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Always on course for your sustainability goals
With the ESG.DNA Starboard solutions

News about our company, services, and offerings, as well as ESG and sustainability management.

Linkedin post: "Having a clear vision always pays off!"

Atradius Kreditversicherung provides its customers with exclusive access to Starboard ESG tools to support their sustainability reporting efforts.

Starting with the 2025 fiscal year, companies in Germany are required under the EU Directive on Sustainability Reporting (CSRD) to comprehensively disclose their environmental and social impacts. To provide the best possible support for its customers, Atradius has established an exclusive partnership with ESG.DNA, the provider of Starboard ESG tools. (…)

Starboard ESG Management featured in the trade magazine for the technical trade

At the 2023 annual conference of the VTH Association of Technical Trade in Berlin, the theme was clear: "Finding paths to the future together." The workshop on "Sustainability and its reporting in the technical trade" generated significant interest among the participating VTH members.

New partnership

The innovation unit and early-stage VC of the Commerzbank Group, neosfer GmbH, with its IMPACT SOLUTIONS platform, and ESG.DNA GmbH, with its unique sustainability management solutions, the Starboard Tools, have entered into a strategic partnership. 

Joint forces in sustainability - BearingPoint relies on Starboard Tools

Happy to announce that BearingPoint is recommending Starboard Tools for their services and valued customers.

VfU Webinar series: Sustainable Finance Toolbox

Starboard ESG as a solution for the "ESG interface" between banks and their medium-sized corporate clients

Cooperation sealed

The VTH Association of Technical Trade e.V., following a comprehensive market analysis and selection of sustainability software, has chosen Starboard ESG Management from ESG.DNA. 

A Business Opportunity for Medium-Sized Companies

The impacts of climate change, globally interconnected supply chains, and increasing corporate social responsibility are shifting the focus of economic players toward sustainability. This is often summarized by the acronym "ESG," where E stands for (…)

Entrepreneurial Opportunity for Medium-Sized Businesses

Die EU treibt mit verschiedenen Maßnahmen das Erreichen ihrer hochgesteckten Nachhaltigkeitsziele voran. Auch wenn diese zunächst vor allem auf größere Unternehmen zielen, gilt dennoch, dass alle Unternehmen ihre bestehenden Geschäftsmodelle kritisch hinterfragen, (…)

Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility

The importance of sustainable business practices is growing and is crucial for maintaining a good reputation. This, in turn, fosters trust, which is a key prerequisite for success in business, as sustainable actions are (…)

NORD/LB subsidiary finpair GmbH relies on Starboard ESG Management Tools

"We are pleased to have found a capable partner in Starboard Tools to tackle the challenges posed by the directive."

Chief Solution Officer Meets Academia

As part of a workshop with Prof. Dr. Lutz Becker, Dean of Sustainability Management & Leadership, and students at Hochschule Fresenius Cologne, Mark Bennett discussed sustainability management, ESG reporting obligations, and how these can be managed effectively using Starboard ESG Management. Prof. Dr. Lutz Becker shared on LinkedIn that "the boost in transparency can open up entirely new strategic perspectives." 


Environmental-Social-Governance (ESG) is becoming the key topic for upcoming financing rounds, even for SMEs.

Making sustainability transparent: Stay on course and easily implement EU taxonomy obligations and financial institutions' requirements with innovative ESG management software.


What a fantastic start for the VTH Starboard ESG Management industry solution!

A pioneering industry in terms of #sustainability: The technical trade!


Hansekontor and ESG.DNA seal Strategic Partnership

Hansekontor and ESG.DNA, the developers of Starboard ESG Management, have agreed on a strategic collaboration. 


We supply ESG.DNA GmbH with SD-KPI benchmark data, known as "Sustainable Development Key Performance Indicators."

ESG.DNA GmbH develops the Starboard Tools ( for generating and managing sustainability data. These tools are used for collecting, processing, and analyzing ESG data, including (…)


Starboard Tools and Blackbird Consulting offer companies a comprehensive solution for sustainability

The collection, preparation, and disclosure of sustainability data is becoming a critical success factor for companies. Key stakeholders, such as financiers and customers, have (…)


"ESG Analysis will have the same importance as credit analysis”

What is the significance of ESG analysis for companies and financiers? And why should companies prefer to perform it internally? The private banking magazine discussed these and other questions with Alexander Fromme, co-founder of ESG DNA.


ESG Reporting: A Challenge for the Technical Trade

The EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) introduces detailed reporting obligations and ensures that initially large companies, and later medium-sized and small businesses, are required to provide information on (…)

ESG.DNA Starboard in practice

Nachhaltigkeit bedeutet für uns vor allem nachhaltige Kundenzufriedenheit. Daher haben wir bei der Entwicklung unserer Lösungen die Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden und Anwender und deren Erwartungen an die Funktionen und Bedienung in den Vordergrund gestellt. Dieser Qualitätsanspruch prägt auch die Weiterentwicklung und unsere begleiten Services, damit Sie Ihre ESG-bezogenen Herausforderungen stets bewältigen können.

ESG.DNA Starboard has a modular structure. Our customers can select the modules and functionalities according to their individual requirements. The platform is designed to be CSRD/ESRS-compliant across all sectors and can be used by companies of all industries and sizes.

ESG.DNA also offers to work with you to design company- or industry-specific adaptations and develop a customised solution for you.


Decide by March 15, 2025,
to opt for a 3-year license of the Starboard Enterprise ESG solution and
receive a 30% discount on the net license fee for the first year.

30% discount for new customers


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