Lösungsvorschläge für die spezifischen ESG-Herausforderungen des Mittelstand
Build & Design
Integrating sustainability unlocks untapped potential and unexpected opportunities.

Sustainability is your competitive advantage!

ESG.DNA GmbH is a specialised service company that supports companies in the development, optimisation and communication of sustainability profiles, strategies and reports, in order to fulfil the ESG-related requirements of stakeholders such as customers, suppliers, investors/lenders and employees.
As a partner to banks and financial service providers, companies, associations and their members as well as auditors and consultants, ESG.DNA develops proposed solutions for the specific ESG challenges faced by SMEs.

Our vision

ESG.DNA’s vision is to inspire companies to see ESG as part of their own DNA and thus act as sustainable organisations.

Our mission

ESG.DNA's mission is to provide innovative ESG software and expert consulting to help companies and financial institutions meet their sustainability goals and comply with EU ESG regulations and standards.

Our team is led
by experienced experts:

Mark Bennett ist Co-Gründer, Geschäftsführer und Chief Solutions Officer der ESG.DNA.

Mark Bennett

is Co-Founder, Managing Director and Chief Solutions Officer of ESG.DNA.

Mark joined Deutsche Bank as a portfolio manager after completing his Business Masters at Northumbria University. He then held senior positions in banking and industry in Germany and abroad, including as head of sustainable finance at a leading German energy supplier, before co-founding ESG.DNA GmbH. Mark Bennett has extensive experience in the areas of sustainability and sustainable finance. Mark Bennett complements his experience by completing the "Certified Expert in Sustainable Finance (CESFi)" examination programme at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management and the "GRI Certified Sustainability Professional" certificate from the Global Reporting Initiative.
Jörg Uwer ist Co-Gründer, Geschäftsführer und Chief Operations Officer der ESG.DNA.

Jörg Uwer

is Co-Founder, Managing Director and Chief Operations Officer of ESG.DNA.

Jörg trained as a banker at a private bank in Düsseldorf. After studying business administration and graduating with a degree in business administration, he began his career as an assistant to the board of a co-operative bank in Bremen before working as a management consultant for banks and financial service providers based in Frankfurt am Main. In 2004, Jörg Uwer and a partner successfully founded conunit GmbH, a consulting company specialising in business intelligence and performance management, which was integrated into CENIT AG in 2010. In 2012, he and partners founded the analytics consultancy PerformanceDNA GmbH.

Holger Linkweiler ist Chief Financial Officer der ESG.DNA

Holger Linkweiler

is Chief Financial Officer of ESG.DNA.

Holger started his career in investment banking and has more than 25 years of experience in finance. He has been instrumental in developing AviAlliance into one of the world's leading private industrial airport investors and managers. He has been the driving force behind AviAlliance's airport acquisitions since the company was founded in 1997. With the founding of AviAlliance Capital, Holger Linkweiler broke new ground in the involvement of long-term financial investors in the expansion of AviAlliance. In addition, he successfully accompanied the transformation of AviAlliance from a subsidiary of the HOCHTIEF Group into a company of the Canadian pension fund PSP Investments. Holger has been a member (including Chairman and Deputy Chairman) of the Supervisory Boards of Athens, Budapest, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, San Juan, Sydney and Tirana airports.
As CFO of ESG.DNA GmbH, Holger is primarily responsible for the areas of financing and investor relations.
Mark Bennett ist Co-Gründer, Geschäftsführer und Chief Solutions Officer der ESG.DNA.

Mark Bennett

is Co-Founder, Managing Director and Chief Solutions Officer of ESG.DNA.

Mark kam nach dem Abschluss seines Business Masters an der Northumbria University als Portfoliomanager zur Deutschen Bank. Er bekleidete danach leitende Positionen im Bankwesen und in der Industrie in Deutschland und im Ausland, unter anderem als Leiter der Abteilung für nachhaltige Finanzen bei einem führenden deutschen Energieversorger, bevor er die ESG.DNA GmbH mitbegründete. Mark Bennett verfügt über umfassende Erfahrung in den Bereichen Nachhaltigkeit und nachhaltige Finanzen. Seine Erfahrung ergänzt Mark Bennett durch die Abschlüsse des Prüfungsprogramms „Certified Expert in Sustainable Finance (CESFi)“ an der Frankfurt School of Finance and Management und des „GRI Certified Sustainability Professional“-Zertifikats der Global Reporting Initiative.

Mark Bennett ist Co-Gründer, Geschäftsführer und Chief Solutions Officer der ESG.DNA.

Jörg Uwer

is Co-Founder, Managing Director and Chief Operations Officer of ESG.DNA.

Jörg hat eine Ausbildung zum Bankkaufmann bei einer Privatbank in Düsseldorf absolviert. Nach dem Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre und dem Abschluss als Diplom-Kaufmann begann er seine Laufbahn als Vorstandsassistent einer Genossenschaftsbank in Bremen bevor er als Unternehmensberater für Banken und Finanzdienstleister mit Sitz in Frankfurt am Main tätig wurde. 2004 gründete Jörg Uwer gemeinsam mit einem Partner erfolgreich die auf Business Intelligence und Performance Management spezialisierte Beratungsgesellschaft conunit GmbH, die 2010 in die CENIT AG integriert wurde. 2012 gründete er mit Partnern das Analytics-Beratungsunternehmen PerformanceDNA GmbH.