Build & Design
The transition to sustainability opens up many opportunities, so it is worth looking ahead

Sustainability and responsibility also mean proactively sharing knowledge and experience

Our videos will introduce you to the many facets of sustainability and can provide a basis for you to gradually deepen your knowledge and exchange ideas with us and your "community".


The European Green Deal

Opportunities and Challenges for SMEs

Sustainable Financing

A Guide for SMEs

Managing Physical and Transitional Risks

Identifying and Minimizing Risks

Green Bonds

An Attractive Financing Option for SMEs

Sustainability and ESG Integration

ESG.DNA Demonstrates the Benefits of ESG for SMEs

Strategy for Sustainable Transformation

Achieving Sustainable Transformation with a Corporate Vision 

The Business Case for Sustainability

Integrating Sustainability into Financial Planning

Materiality Assessment in Sustainability

A Core Element of Corporate Sustainability

Basics of Sustainability Reporting under CSRD

Regulatory Requirements Explained Concisely

CSRD and Sustainable Corporate Development

Insights into the Transformative Impact on Reporting