Unsere Partner: Ein wesentliches Element unserer DNA
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Our partners: an essential element of our DNA
Expertise, customer and service orientation as the basis for joint success

ESG.DNA Starboard in practice

We are continuously developing the ESG.DNA Starboard solutions and our accompanying services and consider ourselves fortunate to have access to our first-class partner network. The expertise and professionalism of the "people behind it", the intensive collaboration and the valuable exchange of experience with them are a key success factor for us, which primarily benefits our customers.
acterience is an owner-managed management consultancy based in Munich. Made up of the words "act" and "experience", acterience stands for the right mix of a practical approach and extensive experience in its consulting topics. With their consulting services covering all aspects of digitalisation, agile transformation and project management, the acterience experts provide customers with holistic support and accompany project plans from the planning stage through to operational realisation and implementation.
Atradius is a global provider of credit insurance, guarantees, debt collection services and business information with a strategic presence in more than 50 countries. The products offered by Atradius protect companies worldwide against the risk of default when selling goods and services on credit. Atradius is a member of GCO, one of the largest insurers in Spain and one of the largest credit insurers in the world.
As an international management and technology consultancy with individual solutions by linking strategies with new technical possibilities, BearingPoint offers three interconnected strategic pillars: consulting, business services and software.
Smart. Flexible. Courageous. Like a blackbird. The blackbird stands for strength, intelligence and adaptability. It demonstrates the courage to change. For blackbird consulting, these characteristics are inspiration and driver to be a valued partner for clients' transformation projects in the area of sustainability. In ESG projects, blackbird consulting balances opportunities and risks on a company-specific basis, derives customized strategies and processes, and actively accompanies organizational changes in companies.

Callirius develops and operates a marketplace for climate protection projects that connects project owners and investors, taking into account their individual needs and ensuring a high level of project integrity through the "Callirius Quality Engine and due diligence". At the same time, all parties involved are informed about decarbonisation strategies and compensation claims.

Deutsche Vertriebsberatung has been advising companies in technical industries since 1992. It accompanies clients in the most important questions of operational and strategic sales optimisation, which recently included the topic of ESG, and thus improving quality in sales.
Ecowood Solutions is a pioneer in sustainable forestry and CO2 compensation. Providing alternative concepts for reforestation for the forest of the future, sustainability, ecology, environmental protection and economy are ideally combined. Ecowood Solutions establishes biodiversity as an evolutionary adaptation to climate change and is already able to produce 1 million seedlings annually for the forest.
Conserve resources. Strengthen the economy. Sustainable products and resource-efficient production processes make an important contribution to reducing resource consumption, setting the course for a circular economy and protecting the environment and climate. The Effizienz-Agentur NRW (EFA) supports industry and trade in North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany) with its expertise and advice to achieve these goals. As an independent service provider, EFA has been working on behalf of the North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry of the Environment for 25 years.

Founded in Paris in 2009, the sustainability consultancy ekodev offers unique comprehensive solutions for greater sustainability with around 50 ESG consultants in 6 EU countries. Based in Düsseldorf, ekodev advises companies from Germany, Austria and Switzerland on the following topics: Sustainability reporting (including in accordance with ESRS, GRI), decarbonisation (carbon footprint, transition plans), sustainable procurement and LKSG, advice and support for ESG-relevant ISO certifications and ESG ratings as well as biodiversity risks (site analyses and improvement measures)."

As an integral part of the ESG.DNA Starboard solutions, ESGbot supports the transfer and procurement of information regarding compliance with relevant laws and requirements so that the reporting process can be handled efficiently and in an audit-proof manner. By using an AI-based graph structure that recognises and navigates the links between laws and documents like a network, significant increases in efficiency and time savings can be achieved.
Headquartered in Paris, with more than 160 employees in Paris, Lyon, Madrid, Granada and Hanover, EthiFinance is a pioneer in ESG rating, with more than 20 years' experience.
FinHub 360 Advisors is a partnership of experienced advisors and experts with the primary objective of making financial services more sustainable by consistently capitalising on ESG-related opportunities while ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.
finpair, one of the leading platforms for structuring and issuing debt instruments. As a workflow-based platform for Schuldschein loans and registered bonds, all relevant process steps - from the request for quotation to the repayment - are completely mapped digitally. The FinTech is characterized by a high investor universe, reliable combination of digital know-how, experienced product specialists and renowned partners. As the only platform, finpair integrates a solution from sustainable finance and maintains a cooperation under the slogan "Digital Matchtime" by connecting to a platform offer of DekaBank.

ESG.DNA is a member of F.U.N. The Family Entrepreneur Network, which provides access to a comprehensive knowledge network specifically tailored to the needs of family and medium-sized businesses. Sustainable success is based on a strong, values-based management team that has the necessary expertise and knowledge and in which managers lead by example, not by position. In today's world, it is necessary to be able to access the necessary, up-to-date knowledge online at any time and from anywhere. ESG.DNA has made fundamental contributions to the topics of sustainability on this valuable platform.
notwendige, aktuelle Wissen jederzeit und von überall online abrufen zu können. ESG.DNA hat elementare Beiträge zu den Themen der Nachhaltigkeit auf dieser wertvollen Plattform beigesteuert.

As the largest owner-managed, independent insurance broker and risk consultant in the German-speaking world, the Funk Group is a renowned expert in insurance solutions, risk management, asset protection and pension solutions for companies, entrepreneurs and their goals.
With a data-driven consulting approach, Funk Consulting helps companies to precisely recognise the effects of climate change and to act proactively on this basis. The focus is on the identification and detailed assessment of risks arising both directly and indirectly from climate change, including the impact on the supply chain.
ESG.DNA GmbH – the company behind Starboard Tools – is a member of the GRI Global Reporting Initiative (globalreporting.org), which currently includes 29 other companies in Germany. These include companies such as BASF, Bayer, Daimler, Deutsche Bank, Evonik, GLS Bank, Munich Airport and Robert Bosch. The GRI Standards represent global best practice for public reporting on various economic, environmental and social impacts. Sustainability reporting based on the standards provides information about the positive or negative contributions of an organization to sustainable development.
Digital transformation is more than “lifting and shifting” old IT infrastructure to the cloud for cost saving and convenience. True transformation spans the entire business and enables every person to transform. We deeply understand today's technology requirements and the need to continuously innovate. That's why organizations build their transformation cloud and solve their biggest challenges with Google Cloud. ESG.DNA is Google Cloud Partner.
Green Mine is a team of experienced senior advisors with many years of auditing and consulting experience in global audit firms, industry and research on sustainability issues. GREEN MINE's services range from "Managed Financial & ESG Services" to "Financial Reporting & Accounting Advice" and "Corporate Sustainability Services".
GREENZERO empowers businesses and communities to analyse environmental impacts, reduce them swiftly and effectively, translate them into measurable environmental costs, and invest in renaturation projects. Our approach is multidimensional, transparent, and impactful. Our mission? Achieving the green zero – that's what GREENZERO stands for. As part of GREENZERO GmbH, a group of specialized companies work seamlessly together to deliver comprehensive solutions across the sustainability spectrum: GREENZERO AX, Innovation City Management, GREENZERO DX and HeimatERBE. Together, we offer a holistic approach to sustainability, bridging analysis, action, and communication to create measurable progress toward a more sustainable future.
With Hanseatic roots and Hanseatic qualities - including cosmopolitanism, modesty and reliability - HANSEKONTOR specializes in securing the financial strength and thus the lasting success of companies. As an independent specialist brokerage company, HANSEKONTOR exclusively represents the interests of its clients. The company has excellent contacts to well-known global players on the one hand and attractive niche providers with often extremely specialized products on the other. These connections enable the specialist brokerage company to develop and offer highly individual solutions at any time. This has made HANSEKONTOR the leading factoring and credit insurance specialist broker in Germany, which is now also a sales partner of ESG.DNA GmbH for Starboard ESG Tools.
The HUMAN CAPITAL GROUP sees itself as a partner of its international clients. The group strives for long-term business relationships with its clients based on trust, honesty and quality. Successful restructuring, transformation, change management, M&A and executive search are based on decades of expertise. Support of CSR and ESG projects and development of sustainable solutions.
Where can companies find sustainability solutions suitable for their challenges? The IMPACT SOLUTIONS platform of neosfer GmbH, the innovation unit & early stage VC of Commerzbank Group, helps companies to find relevant partners who offer support at all levels of sustainability in just a few clicks.
inside finance Capital Partners AG prepares companies for capital raising and connects them with investors. The network consists of more than 130 banks in various countries as well as a variety of other financiers. Due to today's inseparability of financing and ESG transparency, the cooperation and partnership with ESG.DNA GmbH is a logical and necessary step to continue to provide state-of-the-art financing services and guidance to corporate customers to secure their financial future.
Matchbird is the world's first business connector that identifies promising business opportunities in the spirit of serendipity and brings together the right decision-makers and experts - across all industries. From the head office in Duesseldorf, Germany and the Matchbird subsidiaries world-wide, already over 11.000 enterprises have been matched. Matchbird's claim is to open up new paths for customers and to make hidden chances usable. Since 2014, the company has achieved this with a unique combination of creative team spirit and the latest data graph technology.
NORD/LB is one of the leading German commercial banks. As a public-law institution, it is part of the S-Finanzgruppe and is one of the national systemically important banks in Germany. As a commercial bank, NORD/LB offers its corporate and institutional customers as well as public sector customers a targeted range of financial services. NORD/LB is represented globally by branches and representative offices in all important trading centres such as London, New York and Singapore. NORD/LB's aim is to support its German customers in their international business.
OPTENDA supports companies from industry and commerce as well as public utilities and municipalities in energy and CO2 management. The software solutions for energy monitoring and CO2 balancing developed in-house by OPTENDA are essential for this. These provide transparency in energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions and thus the prerequisite for uncovering and minimizing unnecessary consumption and emissions.
Sustevia is the ESG partner for medium-sized companies. The focus is on business consulting with offers in sustainability strategy development, CSRD reporting, EU taxonomy, and related services such as greenhouse gas accounting, double materiality analyses, and other regulatory compliance.
SD-M GmbH is a global pioneer for standardized ESG integration and has been a provider of ESG data for 12,500 companies and ESG equity and corporate bond indices with STOXX and iBoxx since 2009. Since 2010, SD-M has created global standards for key sustainability indicators, so-called "Sustainable Development Key Performance Indicators" (SD-KPIs), on behalf of the German government. The SD-KPI standards have been recommended by BaFin and the German Sustainability Code (DNK) and are an integral part of the Starboard ESG Tools.
SUSTAINX, the dynamic platform designed for the sustainability-focused world. More than a news source, SUSTAINX is a vibrant community and global hub for cutting-edge sustainability insights, solutions, and studies. Its unique strength lies in connection. SUSTAINX fosters a worldwide network of sustainability experts, fostering open dialogue and collaborative problem-solving. Through the platform, professionals from across the globe unite, sharing experiences and crafting sustainable solutions together. SUSTAINX is the gateway to a global sustainability conversation, where ideas ignite, challenges transform into opportunities, and meaningful partnerships take root.
Tripl3Leader links sustainability with leadership through longstanding expertise in leadership development. Building on a values-based approach and responsible action, Tripl3Leader supports forward-looking companies in repositioning themselves in society to achieve effectively sustainable results for people, planet and profit. The portfolio includes consulting services and products for leaders, teams and entire organisations around the topic of true leadership.
The Verein für Umweltmanagement und Nachhaltigkeit in Finanzinstituten e.V. (VfU e.V.) is a network of sustainable finance professionals from over 60 financial institutions (banks, insurance companies, investment companies, and corresponding associations) founded in 1995. The main focus of VfU is promoting and disseminating various themes of Sustainable Finance among financial service providers in the DACH region. To this purpose, VfU offers members as well as non-members a platform on which they can acquire, exchange, generate and deepen knowledge and know-how on Sustainable Finance in various formats. In an exchange with leading academics from different disciplines, the association supports application-oriented research in the field of finance and sustainability.
The VTH Verband Technischer Handel e.V. was founded in 1904 as a voluntary protective association of the former asbestos and rubber goods dealers. Over the course of time, this function was supplemented by a wide range of service offerings. Today, the VTH, based in Düsseldorf, is the only trade association for the technical trade sector and professional association for technical dealers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The VTH's claim to be close to its 230 member companies on the ground, including on the subject of ESG reporting requirements, and to offer them unique platforms for specialist exchange on individual main product groups is reflected in the 8 VTH regions and 5 VTH specialist groups.
For over 30 years, Weissman Consulting has been working with family businesses to develop successful strategies, business models and succession plans that serve the current and future generations. Weissman Consulting's mission is to make family businesses fit for the future. To this end, strategy, organisation and culture (S-O-K) are always considered and linked together, linked to the success criteria of value enhancement, innovation and sustainability (W-I-N) and set in a time frame with 7-, 3- and 1-year annual horizons. This results in measures with clear objectives, a clear context and a clear due date. Everything for success. On principle. With the SOK-WIN-731 principle.

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