The innovative solutions for your sustainable development: capture, manage, implement.

The sustainability goals of the EU form the adjusting screws for the way to more climate and environmental protection in the economy and a more responsible value chain. In addition to large corporations, more and more medium-sized companies are also affected by the regulations. The obligation to collect and disclose sustainability data in accordance with the future Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) poses new challenges for many companies. The Starboard Tools are a unique family of self-assessment solutions to master them successfully. They also provide the basis for the development of a sustainability strategy and significantly improve the prospect of green financing - independently, collaboratively, simply.

Identify Your Sustainability Potential with Starboard ESG.

How sustainable is your company? With Starboard ESG, this becomes clear - efficiently, transparently and completely.


How can your company identify taxonomy-eligible and -aligned business activities? With Starboard Taxonomy, you optimally prepare your Taxonomy data and its share of revenue, "Capex" and "Opex".

Classify your fund products reliably with the help of the Starboard SFDR.

As an investment company, how can you effectively assign your funds to the three categories specified in the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)? Prepare your data optimally with Starboard SFDR.


Identify Your Sustainability Potential with Starboard ESG.

How sustainable is your company? With Starboard ESG, this becomes clear - efficiently, transparently and completely.

Erfüllen Sie Ihre Reportingpflichten mit dem geringstmöglichen Aufwand.

Banken und deren Unternehmenskunden können bei der Erfüllung der Datenanforderungen der Banken-Eigenkapitalverordnung zu ESG-Risiken effizient und zielführend zusammenarbeiten.

Classify your fund products reliably with the help of the Starboard SFDR.

As an investment company, how can you effectively assign your funds to the three categories specified in the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)? Prepare your data optimally with Starboard SFDR.

Strategic advantages through full control.

Highest security standards guaranteed.

Sensitive data in the Starboard Tools is safe and protected from access by unauthorized persons. The cloud-based platform runs completely on encrypted servers. Only you and selected authorized employees have access to the Starboard Tools data managment base.

Secure and Certified
SSL Servers
User and Data Management

Incorporation of essential international reporting standards.

The company behind Starboard Tools, ESG.DNA, is an official member of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) community.

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)